Hairstyles for Men in Their 60s

As we age, our facial features change and so do the hairstyles that look best on us. While there are a wide variety of factors that come into play when choosing the perfect hairstyle, one of the most important is the shape of our face. In this article, we will take a closer look at the seven different facial shapes and the ideal hairstyles for each.

Oval Face Shape: The oval face is often considered the ideal facial shape because it has a balanced and symmetrical appearance. If you have an oval face, you are lucky because almost any hairstyle will look good on you. However, some great options include layered cuts, buzz cuts, and side-swept bangs.

Round Face Shape: Round faces have a circular appearance with a rounded hairline and chin. If you have a round face, you want to avoid hairstyles that make your face look even rounder. Instead, opt for hairstyles that add height to the top of your head, such as a side-parted pompadour or a spiky faux hawk.

Square Face Shape: The square face has a strong jawline and a square hairline. The best hairstyles for this facial shape are those that soften the angles of the face, such as a layered cut with side-swept bangs, a side-parted undercut, or a messy textured crop.

Heart Face Shape: The heart-shaped face has a wider forehead and a narrower chin. If you have this facial shape, you want to choose a hairstyle that balances out your features. Some great options include a layered cut with a side part, a messy textured crop, or a side-swept fringe.

Oblong Face Shape: Oblong faces are longer than they are wide, with a straight hairline and a longer chin. To balance out this facial shape, choose hairstyles that add volume to the sides of your head, such as a messy quiff, a side-swept fringe, or a layered cut with lots of texture.

Diamond Face Shape: The diamond face has a narrow forehead and a narrow chin, with wider cheekbones. If you have this facial shape, you want to choose a hairstyle that adds width to the forehead and chin while minimizing the width of the cheekbones. Some great options include a messy fringe, a slicked-back undercut, or a textured crop.

Triangle Face Shape: The triangle face has a wider jawline and a narrower forehead. To balance out this facial shape, choose hairstyles that add volume to the top of your head, such as a messy textured crop, a side-swept fringe, or a layered cut with lots of volume on top.

When choosing the perfect hairstyle, it is also important to consider other factors such as age, profile, the distance between the eyes, and whether or not you wear glasses. Ultimately, the perfect hairstyle is one that makes you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin, no matter what your age or facial shape may be.

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