How to Care for Permed Hair: Tips to Keep Your Hair Healthy

Perming hair is a popular way to add volume and texture to one’s hair. It is a chemical process that breaks the hair’s natural bonds, reshapes them and then reforms them to create curls or waves. However, permed hair requires special attention and care to keep it healthy and maintain its shape. Here are some tips to care for permed hair:

Use high-quality shampoo and conditioner
Choose a good quality, low-alkaline shampoo to wash your permed hair. This will help to prevent hair from drying out and becoming brittle. Use a conditioner after every wash to keep your hair soft, shiny, and manageable.

Oil treatments
Regular oil treatments can help to keep your permed hair looking healthy and shiny. Use a natural oil, like coconut or olive oil, once a week. Apply it to your scalp and hair, and leave it on for an hour before washing it out.

Avoid combining perms and coloring
Perming and coloring your hair at the same time can cause double damage to your hair, and should be avoided. If you must color your hair, wait at least two weeks after perming before doing so.

Limit perming
Try to limit perming your hair to once every six months. Over-perming can cause hair to become dry, brittle and prone to breakage.

Don’t perm over already permed hair
Do not try to re-perm hair that has already been permed. This can cause significant damage to your hair, which can result in hair loss.

Use a wide-toothed comb
To prevent hair breakage, use a wide-toothed comb when detangling your hair. Avoid using brushes, which can cause hair to break and create frizz.

Don’t wash your hair too often
Washing your permed hair too often can strip your hair of natural oils and dry it out. Try to limit washing your hair to two or three times a week.

In conclusion, perming your hair can be a great way to add volume and texture, but it also requires special care and attention. Follow these tips to keep your permed hair healthy, shiny and looking its best.

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